Admonish One Another | Waverly Church of Christ Admonish One Another | Waverly Church of Christ

April 15, 2018

Admonish One Another

Passage: Romans 15:14
Service Type:

Our Lord’s church is made up of people . . .
a. Of different ages and backgrounds.
b. Of varying degrees of maturity and Scriptural knowledge.

Over the last few weeks we have looked at our need . . .
a. For one another.
b. To be devoted to one another in love.
c. To outdo one another in showing honor.
d. To be of the same mind (united in purpose).

Just as in our physical families, so in our spiritual family, there is a need from time to time to admonish one another.

This, however, is not an easy task because we have to be willing to risk rejection and broken relationships with others.

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