It’s A Win-Win Situation | Waverly Church of Christ It’s A Win-Win Situation | Waverly Church of Christ

October 22, 2017

It’s A Win-Win Situation

Passage: Philippians 1:19-26
Service Type:

While you and I continue to live on this earth in our bodies, we have the opportunity to exalt Christ by . . .
a. Guarding our eyes — from those things which create lustful thoughts within.
b. Protecting our ears — from music, gossip, slander which does not exalt Christ.
c. Controlling our tongues — by speaking only words which edify the lives of others.
d. Restraining our hands and feet.
e. Considering our personal appearance — by dressing in a way which does not attract attention to ourselves, but exalts Christ.

If you are a Christian today, I want you to know that whether you live or die, you are the Lord’s, and either way, you win.

If the Lord chooses to keep using you here, in this life, then choose to be used up by Him, to His glory.

If your wear this body out in His service, there is a resurrection body which awaits you which far outshines the one you and I have here!

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