What’s In It For Me? | Waverly Church of Christ What’s In It For Me? | Waverly Church of Christ

August 6, 2017

What’s In It For Me?

Passage: Matthew 20:1-16
Service Type:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naZwe5aTiRs?rel=0&w=600&h=315]

You and I have always heard it called “the parable of the workers (laborers) in
the vineyard,” but this title assumes that the workers are the focus of the

However, “the central focus of this story is the amazing compassion and grace”
of the landowner rather than the workers.

But in reality, this parable is not so much about landowners and labors in the
vineyard as it is about God and ourselves.

What is it that Jesus is saying to each of us who have made the choice to take
up our cross and follow Him on a daily basis?

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