The State of Unity | Waverly Church of Christ The State of Unity | Waverly Church of Christ

July 30, 2017

The State of Unity

Passage: Acts 2:37-42
Service Type:

Except in the first year of a new president’s term, the President of the United States speaks to the Senate and the House of Representatives in a joint session of the United States Congress.

In the State of the Union address, as it is known, the President details the condition of the nation among other political concerns and the priorities of the nation.

If an address on the state of unity in the church was given for this congregation what would the details reveal?

a. What is the condition of the people?
b. What is the quality of the unity?
c. What matters would be of priority?

Several key principles of sustainable and perpetual Church existence and growth are given in the Book of Acts.

These principles rest on the Power of God and His Word which bring unity to the church!

Notice the characteristics manifested and described in this writing as a model for unity resulting in consistent Church existence and even growth.

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