The God of Second Chances | Waverly Church of Christ The God of Second Chances | Waverly Church of Christ

April 30, 2017

The God of Second Chances

Passage: Luke 13:6-9
Service Type:

A report was given to Jesus. For whatever reason Pilate had his soldiers kill several Galileans who were apparently in the midst of offering sacrifices. The Jews had a history of assuming that because a person was suffering, he or she must have committed some sin.

Jesus then shared another tragedy which had apparently occurred. He asked, " do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed there were worse culprits than all the men who lived in Jerusalem? (Luke 13:4).

Through two tragedies Jesus was trying to teach to His listener that if they kept on seeking an Earthly kingdom and rejecting the Kingdom of God they could only have one end.

Then Jesus speaks a parable about a fig tree.

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