The Mission to the Marginalized | Waverly Church of Christ The Mission to the Marginalized | Waverly Church of Christ

April 23, 2017

The Mission to the Marginalized

Passage: Luke 4:16-21
Service Type:

When speaking about prison ministry, it is usually accepted in a positive manner. Occasionally, there are a few that tend to speak negatively about those who are behind bars. The reasons given are mostly centered around the fact that they who are in prison are there because they have done something wrong and are serving their time and should be disciplined.

We should look at how God sees us and our souls. He loves everyone of us no matter the situation that we are in. He desires for us to come to Him and love Him. We are all in a prison. Some are just in a prison with earthly bars. Sin imprisons us. All sins are the same in God's eyes.

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