Fathers, What Your Children Need From You The Most Is… | Waverly Church of Christ Fathers, What Your Children Need From You The Most Is… | Waverly Church of Christ

June 19, 2016

Fathers, What Your Children Need From You The Most Is…

Passage: Psalm 127:3-5
Service Type:

I had an interesting conversation with my six year old grandson this past Friday. We were sitting in a restaurant in White Bluff when he noticed a bottle of Heinz ketchup with this statement — Established 1869. He asked what that meant. When I explained, he said, “I was about 2 years old then.” I said, “No, you weren’t even a gleam in your great, great, great grandfather’s eye. We talked about that for a moment and then he said something very profound, “Fathers never stop.” How true it is — every person in this room is alive today because of a father. As far back as you can trace history there have been fathers — good or bad.

The question I would like for you to consider this morning is this, other than life, what have we as fathers given our children? This morning I would like to share with you four things which I think each of our children need from us the most.

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