Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God | Waverly Church of Christ Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God | Waverly Church of Christ

October 25, 2015

Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God

Passage: Hebrews 11:4-6
Service Type:

Faith has at least two components. The conviction that there is a great unseen God who exists absolutely and does not depend on us in the least. And, the assurance that this great unseen God is a God of love, grace, bounty, and blessing for all who seek Him in truth. We live in a time when faith is vulnerable. Too many tell us to find out what Christian faith is by consulting our felt needs. But this is not how it is done. We find out what Christian faith is by consulting the nature of God. If you want your faith to be strong, your soul to be strong, your family to be strong, this church to be strong then know your God! The more you know Him, the more you will be assured of the things you hope for and convinced of the things you do not see.

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