Help Me Father, to Be More Like Your Son | Waverly Church of Christ Help Me Father, to Be More Like Your Son | Waverly Church of Christ

October 25, 2015

Help Me Father, to Be More Like Your Son

Passage: Philippians 2:1-4
Service Type:

The title of this lesson today is, “Father, help me to be more like your Son.” Paul exhorts us to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. If we are going imitate Jesus, we must . . . a.) Start with the right motivation — compassion which issues out of Christ’s encouragement, God’s love and the Holy Spirit’s fellowship b.) Determine that we are going to be united in mind, love and spirit. c.) Humbly put the needs and interests of others before ourselves. May God help us to grow this church through humble service rendered in His name for the cause of Christ.

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