Jesus Christ: The Savior of the World | Waverly Church of Christ Jesus Christ: The Savior of the World | Waverly Church of Christ

April 19, 2015

Jesus Christ: The Savior of the World

Passage: Luke 2:8-11
Service Type:

Who is Jesus Christ? Peter told the household of Cornelius that he was a man "who went about doing good" (Acts 10:38). But Jesus is much more than that. He is our Savior. He came to save us regardless of whether we are "red, yellow, black or white." It doesn't matter to Him if we are rich, poor, or in between. Male or female, young or old, We all need a savior and as Peter said concerning Jesus Christ in Acts 4:2, "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." Won't you choose to come to our Savior today?

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