The Devil’s Workshop | Waverly Church of Christ The Devil’s Workshop | Waverly Church of Christ

September 7, 2014

The Devil’s Workshop

Passage: Mark 2:5-7
Service Type:

There is a set of English Proverbs that are worded similar: a.) Idle hands are the devil's workshop; b.) Idle hands are the devil's tools ("Collections" 1808); c.) Idle brains are the devil's workhouses (T. Fuller 1732). d.) An idle brain is the devil's workshop (H.G. Bohn, "Hand Book of Proverbs, 1855); and many more. A person who doesn't have something particular to occupy him/herself with doing will be tempted to occupy him/herself with sin. Many teenagers and adults get into trouble and stay there. Why is that?

Do you find yourself guilty of being idle? Are you willing to allow your idleness to result in another crucifixion? In others losing their souls? In you losing your own soul? Don't give the Devil room to work!

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