Three Philosophies of Life | Waverly Church of Christ Three Philosophies of Life | Waverly Church of Christ

December 15, 2013

Three Philosophies of Life

Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Service Type:

What is your philosophy of life? Is it that of the robbers? "It's MINE if I can take it from you." Is it that of the Priest and the Levite? It's MINE if... it's left at my house." Is it that of the Good Samaritan? What's mine is yours if you are in need.

Will the philosophy you are living lead to eternal life? We all should strive to live out the philosophy of the Good Samaritan and teach our children to do the same. Life not another moment clinging to your possessions or pretending this world holds much for you. Live not another moment without Jesus as your Savior.

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