You and I have a story to tell — it is the most powerful and yet the most beautiful story this world has ever known. Our story is of One who
There is great power in a church whose members devote themselves to prayer. When we are alert to Satan’s schemes and pray for God to respond, we enter, through our prayers
As Christian workers, you and I ought to be the best workers on the job. We ought to obey our employers and supervisors, and not argue. We should work with all our
God sets the bar high when it comes to our marriages. But it needs to be that way because it is by our fruits that we are known (Matthew 7:20).
As we have been saying now for three weeks, “Life In Christ Changes Everything”. It changes the way we think and act, especially the way we treat one another within
Let me ask you these two questions, a. “Has Christ made a difference in your life?” b. “Do you live differently today than you did before becoming a Christian?” The
What is it that you seek today? Do you long for a home in glory? An eternal existence beyond your greatest imagination? If so, then you must set your mind on
Is there anything in your life right now so dear to you that you would give your life to protect. Paul warns us to guard the treasure which we have in
Have you heard the gospel, the good news of what Jesus Christ has done for us and in us. Jesus Christ sits on His glorious throne in heaven beside His Holy
When you reach the end of your life and look back over the years which you have lived as a Christian, whose footprints will you see? I have been crucified