God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). He decided to save us before He ever created this earth (Ephesians 1:4). Why is this good news for us? A man going about
Author: Evan Glenn
An eldership (as God designed and desires) involves a plurality of men who Scripturally lead, feed, protect, guide, guard, and watch over a congregation. Elders have responsibilities to the church
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be around someone who knew exactly what you were thinking. I would think it would be a little unnerving, especially
Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? Why or on what basis do you consider yourself to be a Christian? The constant use of the term “Christian” in our
To be a father and to hear the endearing term “Daddy” or “Dad” is truly a privilege. However, it is a privilege which carries great responsibility. Fulfilling fatherhood requires: A love
Do you remember those days when you thought that your dad could do anything? Maybe you still think that. I hope that you do have such fond memories of your
God’s goal for each of our marriages is that ultimately they bring glory to His name. The world around us needs to see truly how beautiful and rewarding a godly
I know that as you and I sow and water the seed of God’s word, God’s kingdom will grow, it is inevitable, because God makes it to grow. I know that
A mother’s unconditional, sacrificial love leads to exhibit a compassionate heart, from which flows loving and kind, words and deeds. The term mother implies to feed, nourish, protect, sacrifice, teach,
With great delight our Mission Emphasis Sunday turned into a Mission Emphasis Month! Each speaker made statements that lead me to consider, this lesson—Ministering the Margins. I want to preface