God created man and desired a strong relationship with him. However, man is disobedient, selling his soul to the devil. This results in man’s need to be redeemed. God, therefore, used His means for redemption to pay the price so man can be free from the bondage of sin and eternal death. God is the sole redeemer of man because He is the only Being that has the means for redeeming sinful man, the perfect, precious life and blood of His Son.

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Our God Is Wise

January 22, 2023
What does it mean to say that God is wise? What did Daniel mean when he said that wisdom belongs to God? The wisdom of which the Bible speaks has…

“Living Stones”

January 22, 2023
Some people attempt to build their lives upon their wealth, the family name, connections, abilities, physical qualities. What happens to your life when these are no more? Jesus Christ is…
With all of the practical skills associated with understanding and living a successful life—otherwise known as wisdom—that is in this room, I wish there was time for each person to…
You and I are to long for God’s Word in the same way that newborn babies long for milk — eagerly, frequently. How many of you have had your sleep…
When we look at all the statements concerning God’s jealousy, two questions begged to be asked? How is it that jealousy can be a virtue in God when it is…
Here in the first chapter of his letter to the Christians in Asia Minor, Peter has been using our new lives in Christ as the basis for a new behavior.…

Amazing Grace

January 1, 2023
We might also speak of God’s love, His majesty and wisdom, a host of things. There is one facet of God that I believe all of us would like to…
As you begin a new year here today, I want to encourage each of you who are Christians to live holy lives which honor God. God has loved you, He…
This is a special time of the year. I say this because families tend to get together at Thanksgiving and Christmas more than any other time of the year. But…
In this final chapter, Solomon . . . a. Advises us to remember our Creator in light of the coming years and our ultimate death (vv. 1-7). b. Reminds us…