VBS 2014 -Wanted_logo Our Vacation Bible School has begun and you are invited to join us each night of this week. We welcome anyone and everyone to come and be a part of our V.B.S.

Join us for an extraordinary opportunity to learn God’s word. Team up with “Danny Do- Right” each night to learn about being righteous. Hear lessons on

“Obedience: Story of Abraham,”

“Fruitfulness: Story of Dorcas,”

“Prayer: Daniel in the Lion’s Den,”

“Compassion: Story of the Good Samaritan.”


Enjoy these great lessons along with crafts, fun games, and V.B.S. songs.

For the teenagers and adults, the following topics will be studied 

from 6:30-7:30 p.m.:


Phillip Hines—“Angels”


Phillip Hines—“Demons”


Ted Burleson—“Heaven Bound” (Philippians 3:20)


Ted Burleson—“The Horrors of Hell” (Revelation 20:15)


We hope to see you here!