Adam’s failure did not happen at the point he took a bite of the forbidden fruit. I began when he allowed himself to take his focus off of the loving nature of God. When he believed a liar over His Creator. When he began to neglect his spiritual responsibility toward his wife.

Don’t let Adam’s failure be yours. Learn to trust God with all your heart. Allow Him to direct your paths.

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Family is important. Even as I say this I realize that some families are closer knit than other families. Some families are more loving toward one another and more expressive…
You don't get very far in the book of Genesis before God's creation, which He declared to be "very good" (Genesis 1:31) turns very bad. It began with the sin…
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God provided a special place for this man that He had created to live, a garden toward the east in Eden. God caused to grow every tree that was pleasing…
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Holy Spirit

February 18, 2018
We have come to the the final study of the One Word Series and what a powerful word it is. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the co-equal and co-eternal…
WHAT IS CONTENTMENT? “It is an inner sense of rest or peace that comes from being right with God and knowing that He is in control of all that happens…


February 11, 2018
As we further examine the nature of God, we have another word to consider in our One Word study. It is the word Christ. A translation of the Hebrew M?šîah,…
There are two things upon which I would like to spend time on in this lesson. Thoughts that Invite Peace of God. Actions that bring the God of peace. Paul…