Adam’s failure did not happen at the point he took a bite of the forbidden fruit. I began when he allowed himself to take his focus off of the loving nature of God. When he believed a liar over His Creator. When he began to neglect his spiritual responsibility toward his wife.

Don’t let Adam’s failure be yours. Learn to trust God with all your heart. Allow Him to direct your paths.

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The process of transformation is really quite simple. Set your minds on things above in order to renew your mind; for example: 1.)Meditate and contemplate on God and His Word.…

Everyone experiences the pressure to conform to the standards and practices of the world. Especially the young who are so impressionable. But even those who are older are persuaded by…
Thanksgiving is not the only time in which we are to be thankful, but it is a special time and requires our special consideration of things to be thankful for.…

Depression, like anxiety and boredom, is not something to be taken lightly; Many people suffer from it, including brothers and sisters in Crhist. It can have a debilitating effect on…
The unbelief of Jesus' brothers serves as a warning of how easily on can be blinded by such things as familiarity, envy, and perconceptions. And how carefully we must give…
Solomon learned after a life of excess that this world has nothing lasting to off through exciting at first, it all proved "vanity" (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11). He then concluded that true…
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When one has faith in Jesus; they are willing to change their patterns and conduct to reflect His teachings, and Believe in what He has done, is doing and will…