Jesus was the most talented. Jesus was the most brilliant. Jesus was the best. Jesus had the greatest gifts, the greatest opportunities, the greatest knowledge, and the best of what…
One of the hindrances that keep people from becoming a New Testament Christian is that they are afraid that once they become a New Testament Christian that they won’t be…
Can a dead faith save? No, a living faith does. When we approach the word of God through a prejudice paradigm and we filter everything through our colander of understanding.…

In Christ Jesus there are no works of merit. God does not owe us anything. Salvation is a gift to honor not earn. Our justification is in Jesus Christ not…
In his gospel, the apostle John records that at the Last Supper, Jesus had told His disciples that where He was going they could not follow Him at that time,…
We cannot help but ask ourselves certain questions: a. Why are there so many different denominations? b. Can't the followers of Jesus Christ learn to get along? c. What can…
Are there sins crouching at your door - are you envious of others because the are smarter, better looking, more talented, or more success than you. Choose today to confront…
Greed is yet another enemy of the heart, one that damages the soul. Greed says, "what's mine is mine because I earned it." But greed is difficult to identify in…

Perhaps we have all had those times when we made a choice to do something we knew was wrong or we failed to do something we knew to do -…
This is not always easy to do in this life. How can we stay on track, as a Christian, living in this world? It involves making good choices. One who…
God's Word is like a fire which would warm the large stones to be broken in the ancient times. The Word is like the hammer to break the stone after…
We should give our mothers obedience, respect, affection, wisdom, righteousness and care.


January 12, 2011


January 9, 2011


January 9, 2011