What happens after you are baptized? You may have asked this question yourself or heard someone ask this question. Now What? The answer is that we go about living our…

Acts of Sin

April 7, 2024
Sin separates men and women from God. If sin is not sincerely repented of from godly sorrow and put away, it will bring disaster to the sinner and those associated…
In school, we want(ed) an answer key. On a map, we want a map key. Hotkeys on a keyboard are used for quick navigation or execution of commands. A doctor…
We live in a world in which Satan is very much alive. He is constantly at work to harden the hearts of those around us so that they do not…
Many of us learned responsibility at an early age in our lives. No doubt, the oldest among us grew up learning how to work the farm, cook meals, get in…
How does God grow a church? Almost every preacher and every church library has a number of books on ‘Church Growth’. All of these books point to different things which…
God’s concern for humanity has been clearly seen throughout the Bible. One striking example is witnessed in The Book of Exodus. God has compassion for the nation of Israel suffering…
On the night before our Lord prayed a prayer to His Father which the apostle John records for us in chapter 17 of his gospel. In that prayer He uttered…
How it is possible to love God and not help a brother or sister when they are in need. James questions the authenticity of a person’s faith who does nothing…
How can we be sure to be filled with all the fullness of God? If we are already Christians we follow Paul's example and start with prayer. If you aren’t…
We live in a world of constantly changing values. Because of this, we need our own North Star by which to steer our ship of faith so that we value…
When you hear the word “mystery” what does your mind generally turn to? When I was a young teenager, I enjoyed reading a series of mysteries known as the “The…
If you are an elder, a leader, an overseer of a congregation of Christians you are one of  “God’s stewards” and as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “it is…
At the end of the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi gives the mission of John the Baptist, foretells Christ’s first coming, and strongly encourages Israel to return to God. Those…
Jesus calls each of us to ask ourselves what we are doing with our money? Actually, it is not “our” money it is His which He has loaned to us…
Have you ever in a conversation had someone say to you, “Remember when ...” in an effort to call to your mind a past event. Perhaps you have said, “No,…

Every single one of us either has been or still is . . . a. Dead in trespasses and sins b. Enslaved to Satan, the world and our own fleshly…
“But we had to celebrate and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found.” (Luke 15:32, NASB95) In…
In this new year, I will renew these things: I will renew my mind by studying the moral and spiritual truths found in The Good Book, learning how to live…