The link below will take you to an online Bible keyword and Scripture search on the East Hill church of Christ site. You can even search among 10 different languages!

Here is a link for an online King James Version of the Bible. Simply click on the book and chapter, and you can read the Bible online!

Online Christian Evidences Study Course

One of the most popular offerings from Apologetics Press is their Christian Evidences Study Course, which currently comes in three different versions. The first is a 10-lesson introductory-level course intended for people who would like to begin an initial study in Christian evidences. The second version, also in 10-lessons, is an intermediate-level course intended for people who have completed the lessons in the first course, or who simply want to study Christian evidences at a level that moves beyond introductory concepts. The third is a 10-lesson advanced-level course intended for people who already have completed the first two courses, or who want to study Christian evidences at a level that moves beyond intermediate concepts. You may preview the lesson titles in each course by examining the chart below.

The three courses were published originally in full-color, printed formats (all three of which are available from our AP). However, Apologetics Press also wanted to make them available in an electronic format, in the hope that they would be useful to those people who prefer to study at their own leisure in the privacy of their homes, rather than in a somewhat more public classroom-type setting. AP hopes that you enjoy, and profit from, the Christian Evidences Study Courses.

To take one of the courses, or for more information, please visit the link at

Online Bible Coloring Book

Here is a great link to online Bible coloring pictures from the Linary church of Christ website. There are three books to choose from, with nine images in each book.

Children’s Worship Bulletins

We are pleased to offer Children’s Worship Bulletins to our young people ages 3-6 and 7-12. Children’s Worship Bulletins incorporate Bible-based activities for our young people. A new bulletin is made available every Sunday morning!

Can your child not get enough of the Children’s Worship Bulletins? Would your child like to have more bulletins throughout the week? If so, please take a look at the official website of the Children’s Worship Bulletins at If you are a member in Waverly, or if you are one of our great Bible Class teachers and would like access to the files, please e-mail me or call me at the office for the password.

Area Congregation Links

Waverly Church of Christ, Waverly, Tennessee

Walnut Street Church of Christ, Dickson, Tennessee

McEwen Church of Christ, McEwen, Tennessee

Additional Links

Churches of Christ on the web. This site currently has 3,627 congregations posted. On this site you can find view websites from congregations from all over the world.

E-Bible Teacher, resources for the Computer in the Bible Class and Worship.

Gospel Broadcasting Network, a satellite network, broadcasting the truth and nothing but the truth, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Apologetics Press

Discovery Magazine, Scripture & Science for young people.

Evangelism University

Challenge Youth Conference

Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes

Humphreys County School System