Join us for our Gospel Meeting this week as we open God’s word with Stan Dean from Killen, AL. The first lesson begins this morning starting at 9:00 A.M. Sunday Bible Class.
We will have a fellowship meal following the Sunday Morning worship and then each night through Wednesday evening at 5:30 P.M.
We hope that you are able to attend with us for the wonderful lessons that will be presented.
The topics for each lesson are as follows:
Things That Drain Our Spiritual Passion — Sunday Bible Class
A Spiritual Examination — Sunday A.M. Worship
Telltale Signs You Are Running Dry — Sunday P.M. Worship
The Christian’s Greatest Danger — Monday Evening
What Jesus Had To Say About Losing Our Spiritual Fervor — Tuesday Evening
Will God Continue To Bless America? — Wednesday Evening
Except in the first year of a new president’s term, the President of the United States speaks to the Senate and the House of Representatives in a joint session of…
The Bible describes the attempt of various people to worship God. Cain and Able brought worship to God and from them we learn that God expects the worshiper to have…
Jesus began the parable by telling us that a certain king decided one day “to settle accounts with his servants” (v. 23) One particular servant is brought to the king…
When you hear the word "fellowship" what typically comes to your mind? Often we think of eating together as a congregation - as a matter of fact, the word fellowship…
When Christ Jesus died He paid the price to free us from the slavery of sin so that we could have a choice in the matter of who our master…
One of the earliest references to the church in the United States is found on tombstone in Paris, Kentucky dated to 1807. In some circles, churches of Christ have held…
In this parable, often called “The Parable of the Dragnet,” Jesus opens a window for us into the future. He warns us of an event which is certain to take…
The word diakonos in the New Testament has the meaning of “servant,” but can be used to refer to all Christians (e.g., John 12:26). “If anyone serves Me, he must…
The Bible — is God’s Word, given through the inspiration of His Holy Spirit to approximately 40 men over a period of some 1500 years. According to Hebrews 4:12,"12 For…
As we continue this study of the word Elders, let us look at the term and seek to understand who they are. What must they be? And what our responsibility…