Join us for our Gospel Meeting this week as we open God’s word with Stan Dean from Killen, AL. The first lesson begins this morning starting at 9:00 A.M. Sunday Bible Class.
We will have a fellowship meal following the Sunday Morning worship and then each night through Wednesday evening at 5:30 P.M.
We hope that you are able to attend with us for the wonderful lessons that will be presented.
The topics for each lesson are as follows:
Things That Drain Our Spiritual Passion — Sunday Bible Class
A Spiritual Examination — Sunday A.M. Worship
Telltale Signs You Are Running Dry — Sunday P.M. Worship
The Christian’s Greatest Danger — Monday Evening
What Jesus Had To Say About Losing Our Spiritual Fervor — Tuesday Evening
Will God Continue To Bless America? — Wednesday Evening
Ultimately, when all is said and done, what do you seek to gain out of this life? Is it to go to heaven? To gain Christ? If so, then know…
Every accountable person needs to be redeemed. Man can be free of sin, free from the wrath of God, and avoid the despair of Hell. Man can be set free…
Is your focus today on a version of Christianity which a. looks down upon those of a different race or ethnicity b. seeks salvation on the basis of doing all…
Last week we examined one of those words used in Scripture which is not a part of our regular vocabulary — the word justification. We have another such word to…
Some of you here this morning are conceptual learners: a. You can read or hear about how something is to be done, see it in your mind and carry it…
Justification is the process by which a person is declared righteous in the sight of God. We need justification because our God is righteous and just and we stand guilty…
The Christian life is a journey toward God. It is to be a life in which we are making continual progress. Too often, however, we are . . . a.…
All of us will experience grief which comes with the loss of a loved one at some point in our lives. You and I can draw comfort for others and…
This was Paul’s wish for the church at Philippi and I am sure it would be his wish for us. I hope that it is your wish for all of…
Let's go back to the beginning. The beginning of God's creation. After six days of creation, 'God saw that all that He had made, and behold, it was very good"…