We welcome Brother Keith Parker to worship with us and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our congregation. Join with us as he brings the Word of God to us to encourage and to uplift us in a “Revival”. As he speaks you will hear his love for our God and His Son, Jesus Christ. You will hear his enthusiasm and strong recollection of the Word. If you are able to attend you will be encouraged and “revived” in person. If you are unable to attend, we have a all of his lessons here on our website and will have audio CD’s available at the end of the week.
![Gospel Meeting Flyer 2014 [1]](http://waverlychurchofchrist.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Gospel-Meeting-Flyer-2014-1-e1408318507354.jpg)
In a way to prepare us for our upcoming Gospel Meeting, Brother Kyle Mashburn spoke a wonderful lesson. He explains the reason that we have a “Revival”, He explains what a Gospel Meeting should look like, He asks if we are prepared for and have prayed for this meeting. Do I need revival now? What will revival look like in my life? What change needs to be made so that you can be right with God? Have I prepared for the revival? God has given us the opportunity for revival. Will you allow God to reform every aspect of your life that is against Him?
Peter calls us to be even more diligent "to make certain about His calling and choosing you" (2 Peter 1:10). In other words, don't let God's calling you to Himself…
Every once and a while there are things in our lives which turn our lives around. This past Thursday morning was one of those times in my life. The results…
A wonderful lesson spoken by Chris Boyce. He is a missionary and is headed to South Korea with his family. His lesson tonight speaks of his passion to follow Christ…
The ancient Persians invented Crucifixion c.500-400 B.C. It seems that Alexander the Great introduced the practice in Egypt and Although the Romans did not invent crucifixion, they perfected it as…
Did the apostles evangelize the known world in the first century? God had a plan for the early church. A plan that was worked out through His providence. What is…
Those of you who are Christians this morning were lost, but God sought you out, redeemed you and has prepared a place for you in His presence. More importantly, there…
For the last 54 years of my life, I have grown up in a country where I have been protected from the atrocities that many in other parts of the…
Paul learned to be content with Christ. Now matter what happened around him or to him (humiliated or abounding) he "learned" to be with Christ (in "all things") and to…
The call to each of us to become a follower of Jesus Christ is a call to become a different person. Earlier in this letter, Romans 6:4, Paul reminds us…
Can you imagine what it would be like to never really know who you are? This can be true for many Christians. They really don't know who they are, how…