We welcome Brother Keith Parker to worship with us and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our congregation. Join with us as he brings the Word of God to us to encourage and to uplift us in a “Revival”. As he speaks you will hear his love for our God and His Son, Jesus Christ. You will hear his enthusiasm and strong recollection of the Word. If you are able to attend you will be encouraged and “revived” in person. If you are unable to attend, we have a all of his lessons here on our website and will have audio CD’s available at the end of the week.
![Gospel Meeting Flyer 2014 [1]](http://waverlychurchofchrist.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Gospel-Meeting-Flyer-2014-1-e1408318507354.jpg)
In a way to prepare us for our upcoming Gospel Meeting, Brother Kyle Mashburn spoke a wonderful lesson. He explains the reason that we have a “Revival”, He explains what a Gospel Meeting should look like, He asks if we are prepared for and have prayed for this meeting. Do I need revival now? What will revival look like in my life? What change needs to be made so that you can be right with God? Have I prepared for the revival? God has given us the opportunity for revival. Will you allow God to reform every aspect of your life that is against Him?
I love the LORD because He is so good to me. I love the LORD because He never breaks a promise. I love the LORD because He gives to all…
Our devotional study has prepared us for a closer look at the word "grace" in God's word. The Old Testament term for grace describes favor shown by one person to…
What is the most terrifying experience of life? a. Fear?, b. Hurt?, c. Lost and forsaken? At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama…
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through…
Down through the ages many have rejected Jesus, and in the ages to come many more will continue to do so: a. Some reject Him because He is a threat…
To begin our study, we turn our attention to the Book of Romans. From chapter 1:18 through 2:16, Paul declared that Gentiles need salvation. Their need for salvation is due…
While there may be a few who know they are about to be arrested, almost none has control of the time, place or circumstances involving their arrest. Those who have…
"You are an accident" - at least that is what many in the world would like for you to believe. According to their line of thinking, you are a chance…
I AM THE NEWYEAR I am unused, unspotted, without blemish. I stretch before you three hundred and sixty-five days long, I will present each day in its tum, a new…
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Well.. sometimes the words do. The power of words can be seen even before man came into…