Showing Jesus. Offering Spiritual and Physical Help In Times of Disaster.

The Lord has risen up and been our help for months as we have worked to help those in our community who lost so much to the flood. 

“Heavenly Father, we’re especially thankful for those who have come from near and far to help those who have lost loved ones and who have lost everything,”  Price White prayed.

The Mindset of Christ

We are to have the mind of Christ, who took on the form of a servant. Jesus went about doing good; He came to serve. We are re-created in Christ for good works. We are to live soberly, righteously, and godly, and be zealous for good deeds. We are to bear fruit of good deeds.

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

Do You Wear a Bib or an Apron?

When I think of a bib I think of an infant in a high chair being fed. The bib catches all the food that doesn’t find the mouth of the infant. The baby, however, is happy that most of the food goes in. On the other hand, I can also think of an apron. Years ago, many ladies wore aprons as they cooked a meal for their families. Some men wear them today when they grill outside. The bib imagery is of a child being fed and the imagery of the apron is that of someone preparing a meal to feed others. Which imagery best describes
you as a Christian? Do you wear a bib or an apron? Are you constantly waiting on others to serve you or are you busy finding ways of serving others?
We all are blessed to be wearing a bib when others in the church lovingly serve us and we gladly receive the blessings. But hopefully we all are, for the most part, wearing the apron of service. Some of the Lord’s church believe that the church exists to serve them. The Bible paints an entirely different picture. Jesus said he came to serve, not to be served. He washed the disciples’ feet and said that he had ley them an example of what they should do for each other. Paul said we are to have the mind of Christ. I believe that we are most like Jesus when we serve others. If you are always waiting for other Christians to serve you, you will sooner or later be miserable. You will never be satisfied. To move beyond bib 
wearing, you must learn to see others and their needs clearly. You must look intently at others so you can really see them. When you do, you will
see the need. Many of us can only see our needs. Martn Luther King, Jr. said anyone can be great because anyone can serve. Jesus said it this way: “the greatest among you will be your servant.” I suggest that you think of someone you know that has a need and seek to fulfill it. Open your home to a member of the church you don’t know. Send a gift to Tennessee Children’s Home. Make a visit to a shut-in. Pray for a missionary or parents who are raising their children. Look around your town and see all the needs and seek to fulfill one of them with your time and energy. Put on your apron and serve.