“God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV)

Is it evident to those around you that you have self-control?  Are you a person who chooses to do what is right even when you may want to do what is wrong? If you are a Christian, this trait should be growing in your life.  If you are not a Christian, you are missing out on so much that God has to offer you , and self-control is just one of those things.  In a world which seems so out-of-control at times, we need more people who regularly practice self-control. Will you be one of those?


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When I Contemplate God

September 6, 2015
“Wow, who could do this but God." This morning, I want us to see God the way Paul saw Him, to contemplate the greatness of the One we serve —…
Our God is so abundantly fair. He tells us that in obedience to His will by His mercy and grace I can be saved. On the other hand, He tells…
The story of Blind Bartimaeus is an example of how men are saved from sin. He was poor and blind, be he wanted to be delivered from darkness. He believed…