A mother’s unconditional, sacrificial love leads to exhibit a compassionate heart, from which flows loving and kind, words and deeds. The term mother implies to feed, nourish, protect, sacrifice, teach, forgive, give, empower, launch, and much more. Bible readers find these characteristics in the Scriptures. Mother, grandmother, stepmother, mother-in-law, they are all in the text, and they are all of incalculable value in bringing up children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b).
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Blindness can be categorized as natural or spiritual. Naturally, one might be born blind (like the man in John 9). Or a person might become blind in old age/later seasons…
Have you ever invited someone to come to worship with you and had them say to you, “I’m afraid that the building might fall down if I go in there.”…
When it comes to the New Testament, and the condition of “the believing dead” or the “dead in Christ” between death and the resurrection, there are three important passages we…
Have you ever known someone with news so good that they just couldn’t keep it to themselves (i.e., marriage, birth of a child or grandchild, victory in some contest, finally…
Part one of a two part question. If the Judgment Day is when we go to our final destination, where are we between death and the Judgment Day? Part two…
Every fisherman has his fish story. Sometimes it is about the one that got away. At other times it is about the magnificent catch. Some of these stories we believe…
As we bring this series of studying individuals from Scripture to an end, we examine one Apostle that stands out more than any of the rest. He is known for…
Upon hearing the noun “Christmas” everyone has an idea, their own understanding for what that term means. A basic definition for “Christmas” is given as follows: “the annual festival of…
The wise men adorned Jesus with gifts which carried meaning, the true significance of which, as connected with Jesus, was only beginning to be realized. What gifts do you we…
Have you ever had an opportunity which you decided not to pursue? Was there a time later on when you looked back and realized you had made a mistake —that…