I want you to know that this body which our Lord calls His church is very precious to Him. He wants us to care for one another in a way that stands out like a ray of sunshine in the midst of a dark night.
There may be those of us who need to be admonished because we choose not to follow in the steps of our Savior. If you are one of those doing the admonishing, please do so in a way that clearly demonstrates love for those you are admonishing. Ask God to help you act with a spirit full of grace. If you are the one being admonished, please know that those admonishing you love you and are doing their best as imperfect people to draw you back to our Lord.
Perhaps you are a person today who is discouraged and needs someone to come alongside you and lift your spirits, to help you to press forward in your Christian walk. Please pray that God will send the right brother or sister to help you through this difficult time in your life.
If you are a person seeking to encourage another, ask the Lord to give you wisdom and a gentle spirit so that you may say and do what is most needful for another.
Let us all reach out and help those who are weak physically and spiritually in their lives.
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