Every single one of us deserves to have the wrath of God poured out on us because of our sins. But God wants to save us and reconcile us back to Himself. This is our dilemma, God’s wrath demands our eternal punishment, but God’s love seeks our salvation and reconciliation. The only answer is that someone must take our place and bear the brunt of God’s wrath. That someone is none other than Jesus Christ, the only Son of God and the only perfect sacrifice for sin. He took upon himself the punishment for our sins and thus set us free from God’s wrath. This freedom is only available to those who have been buried in His blood and washed clean from their sins. Will you make that decision?
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All of us have storms in our lives. None of us wish these storms upon ourselves, but the truth is, we learn lessons through the storms which we might never…
You and I live in a world that admires ambition. We praise those who take initiative and strive to excel and those who are eager to improve their lot in…
Down through the years there have been calls to remember, battle cries if you will: "Remember the Alamo," "Remember Pearl Harbor," and even recently "Remember 9-11." For those of us…
In every crisis there are those who stand out - some for good, others for bad. Those that stand out for good are often remembered for their strength of character,…
He “richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). He is the giver of “every good and perfect gift” (James 1:17; NIV84). He is the one who…
Life is very fragile. We are made aware of this fact every day of our lives: a. Hurricanes and earthquakes b. Fires and floods c. Tornadoes and now virus. In…
I would like for you to consider for a moment the statement you have before you which is found in our reading this morning — “God has visited His people!”…
Twice do we find Jesus speaking of someone’s faith as being “great”. It is significant that both times it was in reference to someone who was not a descendant of…
Did God not know that Abraham feared Him? Certainly not. God is omniscient, all knowing, thus, He knew exactly what Abraham would do. This test was not for God’s sake,…
As we have seen over the last three weeks Matthew and Luke both record a sermon which Jesus preached: a. Matthew’s is referred to as the Sermon on the Mount…