Are you like the beggar in Acts 3, disabled by the sin in your life? Living from day to day. Content with the scraps and bones which Satan constantly throws to you?
The God we serve promises to create you anew, make you whole again, through His promised Savior, Jesus Christ. Are you a Christian who has lost your focus, having taken your eyes off of Jesus? God wants you once again to look to Him and realize that it is His Glory you were meant to reflect. – only then will your life be a true instrument of God’s peace.
The questions "what must I do to be saved" and "what must I do to stayed saved" are equally important. There are requirements to be saved; One must hear the…
You and I are born to aspire. Throughout our lives we will either hear or have heard inspirational statements such as . . . a. Reach for the stars. b.…
When we remember the man Jephthah, what is foremost in our minds? Is it that he served as a judge of Israel? Is the only judge recruited by men instead…
All that we might muster in the form of “self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of” our physical bodies will prove to be of “no value against fleshly indulgence”…