Are you like the beggar in Acts 3, disabled by the sin in your life? Living from day to day. Content with the scraps and bones which Satan constantly throws to you?
The God we serve promises to create you anew, make you whole again, through His promised Savior, Jesus Christ. Are you a Christian who has lost your focus, having taken your eyes off of Jesus? God wants you once again to look to Him and realize that it is His Glory you were meant to reflect. – only then will your life be a true instrument of God’s peace.
As Christians, you and I have a host of reasons to sing God’s praises. Mary offers this hymn of praise to the Lord following Elizabeth’s words of blessing to her…
I would like for you to think back to the first moment you met the person who would later become your spouse: Was it love at first sight? Was the…
How can we remain steadfast and abound in the Lord's work when there are so many painful situations in life? God never allows the tests we face to be greater…
When you hear the word Grace, what comes do your mind? Children may think that grace is what you say before each meal. To others it may mean not being…
Jesus came to this earth to bring sinners home to Him. When he is in a group of men with different understandings of this, He proceeds to explain to them…
Jesus loved to eat with sinners. He ate with disciples. He ate with friends. He ate with tax collectors. He ate with Pharisees. In the days of Jesus there were…
We can bring every thought into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5). Acknowledge their presence. If they are ungodly, repent of them. Be intentional. Prayer for God’s strength. Rehearse a Scripture or…
The story of Saul's conversion in four questions. "Who are you, Lord?" "Why are you persecuting Me?" "What shall I do, Lord?" "Why are you waiting?"
There are different degrees of doubt used by the master of deception. One is that of the proud skeptic who seeks to upset the faith of those who are weak.…
Tonight, I would like for us to look at the small book in the Old Testament known as Lamentations. Written by the prophet Jeremiah, its five chapters are five funeral…