Another great round of the Questions and Answers series. Two questions were presented: How is judgment done? (cf. Matthew 25:31) At what age should a child be baptized or should you
The salting of meat is an ancient preservation technique. Salt draws out moisture in meat and create an environment inhospitable to bacteria. When we are salting our lives with proper self-judging, we
Are you God’s signet ring? Do you belong to God? Are you allowing yourself to be used for God’s purpose? Are you living by the power of God? These and
“Was Socrates right when he said over 2,000 years ago: “Could I climb to the highest place in Athens, I would lift my voice and proclaim; ‘Fellow citizens, why do
Two very good questions from tonight’s Questions and Answers series: What happened to those who arose from the dead following Jesus’ resurrection? Why is Satan “pictured with horns on his head,
Over the last few months we have seen many things, not only in this country, but throughout the world which prompts fear and concern in our hearts. The shooting in Orlando
With the return of the Questions & Answers series, a great question was asked. “Will there be different degrees of joy in Heaven? Different degrees of punishment in Hell?” Follow along as
What would it take for you to respond to the invitation of Christ to become a Christian? It is true that there may be some who do not need to respond.
“It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness. In the face of bad times or hopelessness, it is more worthwhile to do some good, however