On this day, many around the world are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead.
While we do not know the exact date, we do believe that Jesus rose from the
dead on Sunday morning following His crucifixion.
Today, as many are focused on this event, it is to our advantage to examine the
Scriptures in order that we might be able to share with those around us why we
believe this event took place.
Why is our belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus so important to our faith?
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead then . . .
- He is not the Son of God and His teaching is false because He foretold His resurrection.
- He did not triumph over sin and death, and as the apostle Paul wrote, we “are still in [our] sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17) and we will never see life again after we die.
- All hope is gone — “we are to be pitied more than all men” (1 Corinthians 15:19, NIV).
Truly, it is “the miracle of all miracles” because the faith of every single Christian
is based upon the verifiable fact that Jesus Christ arose from the dead.
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