A mother’s unconditional, sacrificial love leads to exhibit a compassionate heart, from which flows loving and kind, words and deeds. The term mother implies to feed, nourish, protect, sacrifice, teach, forgive, give, empower, launch, and much more. Bible readers find these characteristics in the Scriptures. Mother, grandmother, stepmother, mother-in-law, they are all in the text, and they are all of incalculable value in bringing up children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b).


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Take Courage

October 20, 2024
The Greek word tharseo (?????? thar-say-O) means “take courage” or “have courage.” Depending on the translation you are looking at, the term will be translated by phrases like “take courage,”…
Have you ever borrowed anything from someone? Perhaps a car, a tool, a book, a phone, or any of a host of things. You knew when that person, whoever it…

No Idols

October 13, 2024
The second commandment, which is one of the longest, has to do with worshiping the right God in the right way. How we worship matters just as much as whom…
Our text this morning follows Jesus response to the Jewish leaders’ question concerning His authority to cleanse the temple and teach in its precincts. These leaders have made it their…
The joy of salvation can be ours even during trials. Importantly, the trials that distress us. Does Peter mean to say that we can be glad in times of trials…
What kind of church would you like? If you could have whatever kind of church you want, what would you choose? We all have preferences, acknowledge it or not we…
Most people think the Ten Commandments are straightforward and easy to understand. There are only ten of them and they are not very long. A literal translation of  Exodus 34:28…
I believe that many of us have become desensitized in our reading of God’s Word. By this I mean that were we physically present when some of the things of…
Do you find it difficult to be faithful in hard places? Places that make it difficult to be faithful or hard places might be in the company of worldly friends,…

“Your King Comes”

September 15, 2024
We are here today to worship the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (cf. 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16). We anticipate the day when . . .  He will…
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