This Sunday begins our Gospel Meeting here at the Waverly Church of Christ. We welcome you to join us in person each time that we meet. This year our theme, “Encouragement” will be spoken from the stand 2016-gospel-meetingpoint of being encouraged to Trust in God and live a life according to His Word. Brother David Sain from Fayetteville, TN will be with us as our speaker. He will bring God’s Word to us in such a way that will encourage all of us to do just that.

Sunday Morning Bible Class – Freedom (a study of the freedom we have in Christ – the freedom from the guilt of sin, and the freedom from the fear of tomorrow).

Sunday Morning A.M. Worship – The Righteous Shall Live (a study of the righteousness of God, in making it possible for us to become saved by grace, through faith).
Sunday Evening P.M. Worship –  How Much More Now (a study of how God loved us enough to give Jesus to die for us, when we were sinners, and how much more he loves us now as his children – – giving the Christian confidence at the judgment).
MondayTrusting God’s Promise ( a study of the way Christians should react to the troubles and trials of life – – trusting in God’s promise in 1 Corinthians10:13).
Tuesday You Can Do This (although our talents and opportunities differ, the one thing EVERY Christian can do is be faithful; a study of what constitutes faithfulness).
WednesdayWhen the Roll is Called (a study of The Book of Life – – the confidence in knowing that your name is in that book).


Finishing Well

December 30, 2012
God calls each of us to a life of significance. One that He controls and directs. One in which the results are attributable to Him. Such a life invovles becoming…

The Best Is Yet to Be!

December 30, 2012
If you are a Christian, you must believe that the best is certainly yet to be. Each day of life here upon this earth, God oversees the remaking of His…
There have been many times when God would not keep silent, and neither should we. We must tell a lost and dying world that: 1.)The Son of God has come…
It has been said that "Life with Christ is an endless hope, without Him a hopeless end." For those who are in Christ, they have every reason to hope! For…

Love In Action

December 16, 2012
As our lives are transformed more each day through our renewed thinking, the way we love is to become an unmistakable symbol of the faith we possess. Our love must…

Re-Evaluating Love

December 16, 2012
Do we have true biblical love? To love God and love our brothers and sisters is to obey God and keep His commandments. As John said about his gospel account,…
Think how healthy the Church would be if we all followed Paul's advice. Remember, the Church did not give you these gifts, God did. They are His. Are you using…
Where is the faith, fear cannot abide. "Feed your faith, and your fears will starve to death." "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there." "Fear and…
How do we meet these bible class needs and goals? 1.) Have Good bible classes that are taught by capable Christians. 2.) We need pupils who attend. We are missing…
The Bible is the best book anyone could ever read! It tells us where we came from, why we are here, where we want to go, what we want to…