Family Father Reading BibleToday,  Sunday, June 15th is Father’s Day. As we looked at two great examples this Lord’s Day, Joseph, in Jeff’s lesson this morning,  “Epitaph of a Truly Successful Man”, and Joshua, in Kyle’s lesson this evening, ” Thankful for Fathers Like Joshua”.

Men, are you leaving your family a legacy of faith and hope in the promises of God? What do you want to leave your family, a successful career or faith and hope in the promises of God? True success is succeeding spiritually with your family.

Father and familyHave you made the decision to follow God? Have you taught your spouse to follow God? Have you taught your children to follow God? Is your whole family following God?


If you were to write down three things that you truly want, that you truly desire, what would those three things be? I can honestly tell you the things I…
You and I live in a society that values individual rights. As a matter of fact, we are often encouraged to stand up for our rights and even fight back…
Our text tonight picks up at a time when Samuel is approximately 75 years of age. The leaders of Israel come to him with a specific request. It is this…
Have you considered why it is that we do not fulfill our aspirations—including goals, visions, or missions—in life? Fear brought on by external terrors which threaten will  keep us from…
I believe that all of us are born with an inner sense of fairness. At a very young age our children are quick to let us know if they think…
We too can be blind to our true state. — We think we can improve our situation by our own cleverness. — However, there is a form of spiritual warfare…
In our study tonight, we will see how God responded to those . . . a. who thought Him to be powerless, and b. who thought the Ark of the…

Our God Is Majestic

February 5, 2023
Over the last few weeks on Sunday, we have sought to know God just a little better. One of the aspects of His character which cannot escape our notice is…
Because of God’s mercy and grace which He has bestowed in our lives, we are beloved of God, He calls us saints, holy ones (Romans 1:7). Paul calls us to…
Integrity is often viewed as outdated and no longer applicable in our fast-paced world; however, the need for integrity is perhaps as great as it has ever been. The word…