All of us have had those moments in our lives when we just had to tell someone about something exciting which happened in our lives:

  • Ladies, when your husband asked you to marry him, did you keep it a secret?
  • Men, when she said yes, did you tell your best friend.
  •  When your child or grandchild was born, did you tell anyone?
  •  When you accomplished something on which you had been working for a good while did you share the good news?

The reason we tell others these things is because good news and important accomplishments in our lives just have to be shared.

At Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem people were spreading their coats in the road and shouting:

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (Luke 19:38)

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It’s About Me!

September 30, 2018
The Book of Exodus is a fascinating account of the LORD’s work with Moses His servant. When God called Moses to go down to Egypt and lead God’s people out…
The questions "what must I do to be saved" and "what must I do to stayed saved" are equally important. There are requirements to be saved; One must hear the…
You and I are born to aspire. Throughout our lives we will either hear or have heard inspirational statements such as . . . a. Reach for the stars. b.…
When we remember the man Jephthah, what is foremost in our minds? Is it that he served as a judge of Israel? Is the only judge recruited by men instead…