We had another very successful gospel meeting this year.  Our song leader, Ray Walker from Goodlettsville, TN did an excellent job in leading the singing. David Shannon, the preacher at Mt. Juliet Church of Christ in Mt. Juliet, TN  did an exceptional job of bringing God’s Word to all who attended.

The theme David Shannon spoke on throughout the meeting is The Beauty and Power of Love.  The titles of each lesson delivered during the meeting are listed below.

  • “The Power of Kindness”
  •  “Where Does God Rank Love?”
  •  “Compassion Makes the Difference”
  •  “40 Reasons People Don’t Like You”
  •  “30 + 1 Reasons People Do Like You”
  •  “God’s Saving Love: Are You Saved?”

Along with being able to listen to the sermons here on our website, they are available in audio CD format as well.  Please contact our church office if you would like to have a copy of these. During the 40 Reasons People Don’t Like You and 30+1 Reasons People Do Like You, he referenced many scriptures in power point format.  If you would like those scriptures and comments in print form, please request those as well.

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Our God Is True

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At the end of his first letter, the apostle John wrote these words, “And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that…

Making A Difference

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What is your purpose in this world? Is it to go to school so that you can get a good job? Okay, then what? Is it to make lots of…