It is so difficult sometimes,  even those we know God is already aware of what we have done, to confess our sins to Him. It is hard to hold our sin-stained hands out for inspection, with our heads hung low, and say, “Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that You are justified when You speak and blameless when You judge” (Psalm 51:4). It is only when we do this that we can be drawn closer to the Lord.

When we truly believe in Jesus as the Christ, we will turn (repent) from the practice of sin (Acts 3:19), w will confess our faith in Him to save us from sin (Romans 10:10), leading us to be baptized into His blood for the forgiveness of sins (Romans 6:3-4).

Will you acknowledge Christ as the only Savior of mankind, state your agreement with His authority, and allow your actions to prove your confession?

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