God cares about our suffering. He does not ignore us. Sometimes we must endure our suffering because it makes us stronger. In those times, we need His strength to see us through, even if our suffering ultimately results in our death. We should pray. We should praise. God has. God does. God will lead us through our suffering.

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Like an old coat we take off, we have, as Paul wrote, “put off the old self (lit.“man”) with its evil practices” (v. 9). We replaced this old coat, “old…
Samuel was the result of a tearful prayer by his mother, Hannah. Because God answered her prayer and gave her a son, Hannah named him Samuel which means "asked of…
Christ makes a difference in our lives in every sense of the word. William Barclay once wrote that “when a man becomes a Christian there ought to be a complete…
Toward the end of the period of Judges, we encounter a woman who struggled with some very difficult circumstances in her life. We know her as Hannah, the first wife…
This is very important because if this church is to grow and have a bright future, not only must it have godly leaders, it must also have faithful Christians who…
In Judges 17 and 18 we see Satan utilizing a choice that was made for his own benefit. We began with a man from Ephraim named Micah, a young Levite…
This morning as we continue to look at what God looks for in these men, I would like for us to see what else Paul said about what these men…
Encouragement in all its form is designed to give a person confidence and courage to do something. Scripture encourages believers to trust in God and to rely on the enabling…
The church, the body of Christ, if it is to function at its greatest potential, needs godly leaders. According to scripture, these men are known as elders. Scripture uses several…
Though Samson is angry with his father-in-law, he decides to take it out on the Philistines. His plan was to destroy the Philistine economy, which is what he did. When…