As part of the continuation of What Would It Take? series.
It is true that there are some who do not need to respond. But on the other hand, there are those who need to respond to our Lord’s invitation.
  • Those who need to respond need to, today, because they have rejected all the other invitations the Lord has allowed to be extended to them.
  • No one has a promise of even one more invitation after this one.
It is important that this one be taken seriously.
Examine yourself, assess your spiritual condition, submit to God’s will and you can be forgiven of the sins you have committed and be saved. We instruct as all have been commanded to obey, believe in God (Hebrews 11:6) and His Son, Jesus the Christ (Matthew 16:16).
We exhort you to “repent and turn to God” (Acts 26:20) and to “confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord” (Romans 10:9).
In Acts 2 we read of “those who had received” the words of God’s message through Peter and how they “were baptized” (Acts 2:38, 41).
Will you receive the message of the Lord’s invitation for you to come to Him?
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