In 1989, Johnson Oatman, Jr., penned words which have encouraged many a
child of God to keep pressing on toward their heavenly goal, in a hymn we
know by the title, “Higher Ground.” The refrain of “Higher Ground” is as follows,
Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s tableland,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
It is my prayer that our Lord will truly lift each one of you up and let you stand at last, by faith, on Heaven’s tableland. Do you long for the eternal home of the redeemed? Nothing on this earth can come close in comparison. Joy, unlike any you have ever known, awaits you there.
You will finally be able to see our Father, His Son and Holy Spirit in all their glory, not to the angels which God sent out to render service to you down through the years (Hebrews 1:14). If you haven’t begun your Heavenward journey, why not start today?
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