How do you instill commitment in someone? Is it something that you teach? Every parent in some point and time had to work and teach this to a child. Whether it was playing a sport or some other skill to be learned and that child then decided later to then quit because it was too hard or they are not able to keep up with the demands of the activity. You ask them to see through to the end of a season and then decide.

How about a couple in marriage? Once you have committed to your spouse you realize that it can be hard to live with them, however, you have told them you will love them and be by their side “till death do you part.”

What about your commitment to Christ? When buried with him in baptism you are part of His Church now.  With this commitment there is a responsibility. There is a way that Christ calls us to live.

According to Jesus, there are two and only two ways to live. One way will bring us blessing, joy and a reward. The other may provide what seems like a reward now, but ultimately results in woe. If you and I want to enjoy the happiness of which our Lord speaks, then we must choose to live as God calls us to live and reject the world’s values.
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