Brothers and sisters, God does not demand worship because of His need; rather, true worship is prescribed for man’s benefit. Serving God will result in humanity’s greatest happiness (Solomon concluded such in Ecclesiastes 12:13). There is a vital connection between genuine worship and character of life (see Romans 1:18-32). When men turn away from genuine devotion to the true God, all sorts of vileness and discontent ensues (Proverbs 13:15). God wants people to come before Him in a spirit of reverence to offer praise out of a life lived in submission to His will.

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Our Lord began with twelve men, Paul had Silas, Timothy and Luke. These men literally "turned the world upside down." Imagine what we can do if; we had a passion…
As our hymn states, "this world is not my home, I'm just a passing through." Like Israel of old, God calls us to pack our tent and move out We…

The Abuse of God’s Grace

December 28, 2014
We have sought to understand the concept of God's grace by looking at certain select passages. But the truth be known, grace is woven throughout the pages Scripture. His kindness…
With only 21 verses, Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. Obadiah's message is a powerful message of the justice of God, one which demanded vengeance of Edom.…
When it comes to the topic of grace, there is often a good bit of confusion. People tend to gravitate to one of two extremes in their understanding of it.…
This week is the week of Christmas and what have you done? Another year is almost over, and a new one is about to begin. Some may have already opened…

Growing In Grace

December 14, 2014
If as a Christian you knew that you were drawing near the end of your life and had one more opportunity to speak to people you loved and cared for,…
The book of Amos falls into the collection known as the Minor Prophets. The man Amos was neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet initially, but a "herdsman…