All of us have had those moments in our lives when we just had to tell someone about something exciting which happened in our lives:

  • Ladies, when your husband asked you to marry him, did you keep it a secret?
  • Men, when she said yes, did you tell your best friend.
  •  When your child or grandchild was born, did you tell anyone?
  •  When you accomplished something on which you had been working for a good while did you share the good news?

The reason we tell others these things is because good news and important accomplishments in our lives just have to be shared.

At Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem people were spreading their coats in the road and shouting:

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (Luke 19:38)

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Many people today have been misled into thinking that God wants them to do whatever it is that will make them happy. Many have been led to believe that worship…
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August 27, 2014

Revival in Worship

August 26, 2014

Revival in the Home

August 25, 2014

Revive Us Again

August 24, 2014