If you were to read from the majority of the Old Testament in its original language, you would encounter the word shalom 302 times. It is the Hebrew word for Peace.  Our New Testament was originally written in Greek and a different word was used, the word eirene. Both of these indicate tranquility, wholeness, no worries. The also describe a harmonious relationship between God and man, between man and man.

Having peace with God, peace within, and peace with others are essential if we are to know true peace in our own lives.


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Love In Action

December 16, 2012
As our lives are transformed more each day through our renewed thinking, the way we love is to become an unmistakable symbol of the faith we possess. Our love must…

Re-Evaluating Love

December 16, 2012
Do we have true biblical love? To love God and love our brothers and sisters is to obey God and keep His commandments. As John said about his gospel account,…
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How do we meet these bible class needs and goals? 1.) Have Good bible classes that are taught by capable Christians. 2.) We need pupils who attend. We are missing…
The Bible is the best book anyone could ever read! It tells us where we came from, why we are here, where we want to go, what we want to…
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