A mother’s unconditional, sacrificial love leads to exhibit a compassionate heart, from which flows loving and kind, words and deeds. The term mother implies to feed, nourish, protect, sacrifice, teach, forgive, give, empower, launch, and much more. Bible readers find these characteristics in the Scriptures. Mother, grandmother, stepmother, mother-in-law, they are all in the text, and they are all of incalculable value in bringing up children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b).


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When we gather together for worship or Bible study, we hear the spoken prayers of those called upon to lead us in our petitions and thanksgivings. Have you ever listened…
God’s giving by its very nature is good. The devil, on the other hand, gives with one purpose in mind: to ultimately “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). For this reason, nothing evil can possibly come from above.
Upon this rock I will build my assembly If the church is not an institution, –It should not have an institutional name An assembly is to be “built” not “established”,…
Tonight, there is a question I want to ask you about your faith: Does your faith make a real difference in the way you live? Almost 2,000 years ago, James,…

The final prayer of our Lord is the longest of His recorded prayers. Matthew, Mark and Luke mention Jesus’ prayers fairly often. However, apart from what we have come to…
The pursuit of excellence is not just a business slogan or a sports adage, rather it is a call that every Christian must take seriously. Christ and His church deserve…
Today, as we start our emphasis on missions, I thought it would be good to look at the work we are doing here in our own community of Humphreys County.…