In the 1964 movie  It‘s A Wonderful Life, staring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, there is a scene where Mr. Stewart’s character, George Bailey, who wished he had never been born realizes how different life would have been without him. In that scene, Clarence the angel tells him, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

Each of our lives touch so many other lives while we live upon this earth. Will others remember us for our kindness or our coldheartedness, our insensitivity and uncaring nature? Will others be drawn to Christ or pushed away from Him because of us? Remember, we reap what we sow.


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we often think of Jesus as being the Master Teacher (John 13:13-15). To deliver the message of truth Jesus used objects. If we could follow His example in how we…
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