In the 1964 movie  It‘s A Wonderful Life, staring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, there is a scene where Mr. Stewart’s character, George Bailey, who wished he had never been born realizes how different life would have been without him. In that scene, Clarence the angel tells him, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

Each of our lives touch so many other lives while we live upon this earth. Will others remember us for our kindness or our coldheartedness, our insensitivity and uncaring nature? Will others be drawn to Christ or pushed away from Him because of us? Remember, we reap what we sow.


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I don’t think you can read the first four books of the New Testament, what we call the Gospels, and not be intrigued by people’s response to Jesus. In our…

Triumphing Over Temptation

February 28, 2016
This morning, as we examine these three temptations which Satan uses against Jesus, there are two things to notice about each temptation: a. What is at the heart of each…
Question 1. Miracles - Part 2. As a continuation of the first question in our question in answer series, we look at miracles in the sense of laying on of…
There are certain events which are embedded within our minds — we vividly remember them because of their importance to us. a.) Our high school or college graduation. b.) A…
Each of us has a soul, a spiritual heart, an inward man. Only God can destroy this part of man (Matthew 10:28). However, man can forfeit or exchange this part…

There Is No Better News!

February 14, 2016
All of us at one time or another have had good news which we just had to share with someone. We just couldn’t keep quite. We told our best friends,…


February 14, 2016
Miracles. Why can't we trust people today who claim to be able to do them, through their human self, if they claim to still have the power which Christ, through…
Paul calls us as Christians to care for one another in the body of Christ. Beginning in Romans 14:1 and continuing through 15:7 Paul addresses the issue of how those…
There are some things about the life hereafter which are mysterious, but other are perfectly clear. We will see Jesus! Are you one of His? Are you faithful? Is this…
When we show our commitment to the Father by surrendering ourselves in obedience to His directive (Acts 22:16) we willingly submit to baptism by which God works raising us up…